Best Emergency Water Filter Bottle For Camping, Survival And SHTF

Emergency Water Filter Bottle
for camping, survival and SHTF

water filter bottle review

 In the past I have used and reviewed many types of systems that will give safe drinking water, but could this really be the best emergency water filter bottle yet?!

 Everyone knows a story about someone who has been very ill as a result of drinking contaminated water - it may be as simple as drinking unknown water whilst on holiday or when out in the wilderness - either way, by drinking contaminated water you are inviting illness into your body.

* Why Not Just Carry Bottled Water?

 If you're anything like me, carrying gallons of water in your rucksack is no fun - If you're out hiking or out practising a bug out run, the shear weight of a few litres of water soon becomes a pain and having to carry a lot of drinking water can put extra strain on your body as well as simply overloading yourself.

water tap

Having a good, reliable supply of safe, drinkable water is essential, but who wants to carry it around all day?

When you've drunk all your bottled water and run out the only choice is to refill with water from an unknown source, full of potential bacteria and viruses.

This is not a good idea, and something I would not recommend you do either.
The answer, as with all prepping, is to 'keep things simple'

* Consequences Of Drinking "Bad" Water

I think the key to having safe drinking is to 'keep things simple', and what's more simpler than having bottled water?
All very well and good until it runs out. Then what?

Just topping that empty bottle up from any old water source is going to get you in trouble.

Everyone knows a story about someone who has been very ill as a result of drinking contaminated water. Some don't even realise it was the water that caused their illness in the first place.

It may be as simple as drinking unknown water whilst on holiday or when out in the wilderness - either way, by drinking contaminated water you are inviting all manner of bacteria and potential illness into your body.

The results of drinking contaminated water can be anything from a mild stomach ache, right up to death...! 

untreated sewerage

Water-related illnesses fall into four major categories:

  • Waterborne diseases, including cholera, typhoid, and dysentery, are caused by drinking water containing infectious viruses or bacteria, which often come from human or animal waste.
  • Water-washed diseases, such as skin and eye infections, are caused by lack of clean water for washing.
  • Water-based diseases, such as schistosomiasis, are spread by organisms that develop in water and then become human parasites. They are spread by contaminated water and by eating insufficiently cooked fish.
  • Water-related insect vectors, such as mosquitoes, breed in or near water and spread diseases, including dengue and malaria. This category is not directly related to water supply or quality.

Without suitable treatment you can die from contaminates found in a poor water source.

* What Is The Answer To Contaminated Water

If you're anything like me, carrying gallons of water in your rucksack is no fun.
If you're out hiking or out practicing a bug out run, the shear weight of a few litres of water soon becomes a pain and having to carry a lot of drinking water can put extra strain on your body as well as simply overloading yourself.

river water for a water filter bottle

Having a good, reliable supply of safe, drinkable water is essential, but who wants to carry it around all day?
Certainly not me, and I expect you neither - As I said earlier, the key to all prepping is to 'keep things simple'

"Having reviewed many water filter systems in the past, I have now come to the conclusion that the Water-To-Go filter bottle is the best method of portable water filtration, both in the home and in the outdoors".

Keeping things simple is what makes the Water To Go Filter Bottle System so good - in fact it could even be the best water filter bottle yet.

selection of water filter bottle

This filter bottle is available in a 75cl (dark colour) bottle or the clear 50cl bottle, and comes fitted with 1x filter.
 Additional filters are also available to suit, and these filters will sift out 99.9% of microbiological contaminates, and that includes the big one that others do not filter - VIRUSES.

Tested to the International Filtration Guidelines, the Water-To-Go bottles passes with flying colours.

water filter bottle time stipe

Every filter lasts approximately 2 months, that's 130 litres of clean,safe drinking water, and comes with a "timestrip" telling you when to renew your filter.

A replacement filter will cost you £8, so in real cost to you, that's just 17p per litre of clean safe drinking water..!
Even less if you apply the UKprep15 discount code (see below), that's 15% off all products.

However, if like me, you buy the replacement filters in the bulk 6x pack,(£39.99) - they work out at £6.50 each filter.

Then apply the UKprep15 discount code, 15% off all products, and that means only £6.66 each.
Which equates to under 6p per litre..!!

* Technology Behind This Filter

Modern technology has improved in leaps, and it's this modern technology that goes into this water filter system - it has also been adopted by many of the water filtration companies and keeps on improving.

This type of old fashioned activated charcoal style of filter is now thought of as real 'old school' and rarely used as the sole method of filtering water, especially when you consider that a charcoal only filter will only take out bad tastes and not a lot more

water filter bottle cartridge

This 3-in-1 system in the filters was developed at the behest of NASA and they are constructed utilising nano technology.
Nano alumina along with activated carbon and other filtration ingredients are utilised to bring about this amazing new patented process.

Nano alumina emits a positive charge when wet and attracts the negative charged contaminants of protozoa, bacteria and virus.
This revolutionary new process will make every drop of water more safe and refreshing.

Finally a filter that really does what its supposed to do.

Unlike carbon block filters that lose as much as 70 percent of their area to the adhesives that hold the block together, our carbon has zero adhesives holding it in place making it far more efficient.

The pore sizes of carbon block based filters are too big to stop any protozoa, bacteria or virus. 

Yes they filter chlorine and some heavy metals. They basically improve the taste of water without properly filtering out any of the more serious contaminants that can get into water supplies from time to time. 

Click the button to find out more about the differences between Water-to-Go and carbon filters.

* List Of Contaminates Captured By Filter

Extensive testing has gone into this filter and it has been tested extensively with the list of materials that Water-to-Go filter system will catch, is a long one.

Water-to-Go filters reduce the volume of contaminants in water by over 99.9%. Simply put they work!

  • Metals & Chemicals
  • Virus​es
  • Bacteria
  • Oocysts - Protozoa
  • Parasites & Waterborne Pathogens

* Special UK Preppers Discount

I have tested and regularly use this filter system - if you follow my YouTube channel, you will often see me drinking from it. I have filled up from some pretty rancid water sources and NEVER had any ill effects whatsoever.

As a result in my faith in this water filter I have managed to secure a 15% off discount code for all UK Preppers who buy from the Water To Go website..

In order to get a full 15% discount off your purchase just enter the special code in the discount box (looks like the one here).

Use this code  UKprep15  at checkout and get a 15% discount on Water-To-Go bottles & Filters.

Checkout the 50cl & 75 cl water filter bottle - there are quite a few designs here on their Water to Go Website - at checkout use your code and get a 15% discount on Water-To-Go bottles & Filters.

Remember, this is a LIFETIME CODE, so whenever you order again just reuse the code

* Final Thoughts

As you can see in the video, I gave the Water-To-Go bottle a thorough test with some seriously contaminated water.

It proved to be a very effective filter system and I have used it ever since then, both in the UK and abroad.
Which is such a good feature really, as you can take it anywhere.

A preppers "must have" in your go bag, bug out bag, at home and in the car, and as you can see definitely one of the best water filter bottles on the market..

Happy Prepping Folks,  Steve

Want to know more? Checkout all my water related articles here.

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    • Penny Jones on April 11, 2019 at 11:41 am
    • Reply

    Thanks for your latest newsletter Steve , I have the SAS book but it is a miniature version a Collins Gem. Good for keeping the weight down if you have to make a run for it. I also have Richard Maybe’s book which I must have bought in the 70s. Very tatty now but still readable, and a 1970s bushcraft book by Richard Graves. Hope I don’t have to go on the run as I’m going on 72, but am studying them anyway. I shall look out for the others.

    • Norma Stone on February 20, 2019 at 6:54 am
    • Reply

    In other replies you said that to reactivate the filter put water in bottle and turn it upside down. For reactivation does it need to be ‘clean’ water or can you use the dirty water you are wanting to filter out?

    1. Hi Norm,
      If you stop using your Water-to-Go filter it will dry out and will need to be re-activated.

      To reactivate it just fill the bottle up and turn it upside down, submerging the filter for 15 minutes. Then gently squeeze out the contents until the water runs clear.
      I always prefer to use clean water if possible.

      all the best, Steve

    • Ken on May 23, 2018 at 3:23 pm
    • Reply

    Hi Steve
    I used the Water To Go bottle on a wild camp. It works well if you are just using it to drink out of, but if you need to fill up your pot or in my case a Jet Boil, it is very hard and time consuming to get the water out. I find the Sawyer Mini water filter with a clean small empty plastic bottle to filter into works a lot better and certainly less frustrating. It is in my opinion a very good water filter but not the best choice to take with you on a wild camp, bug out or through hike. This is an opinion based on my experience using it in the wild. Keep safe out there y’all.

    1. Hi Ken,
      The Water To Go bottle is not designed as a squeeze bottle to fill things up with.
      Although it can be done, all be it slowly as you have found out.
      It is designed mainly for on the go hiking where you can scoop up dirty water and simply drink from the spout by sucking.
      Bit like a normal sports bottle.
      The main problem with the Saywer filter is that it does not filter viruses.
      Viruses are a major cause of human waterborne and water-related diseases!
      The only Sawyer that does is the very expensive ‘complete gravity system – SP194. All the rest will not achieve this level of removal.
      The Water To Go will remove viruses at a fraction of cost and far more easier to use.
      Having said that, I do quite like the SP194 system as it looks very comprehensive and worth consider, but the cost of over £300 makes you think twice..!
      But as with most thing survival, I’d rather have something than nothing….
      Thanks for your comment,
      All the best,

    • Joy ikemere on March 21, 2018 at 5:42 am
    • Reply

    Steve,How can I know if there is any prepper in glasgow pls?

    • Joy ikemere on March 21, 2018 at 5:40 am
    • Reply

    Hi Steve, good to find your website

    • Joy ikemere on March 21, 2018 at 5:39 am
    • Reply

    Hi Steve,I want to know more about prepping pls.

    • Auralia on December 22, 2017 at 11:02 am
    • Reply

    Hi Steve,
    I am preparing for a possible SHTF bug-in situation in a lowland semi-suburban, semi-rural, location.
    We have a small stream nearby which is fast flowing and looks to be very clear.
    Obviously, it is going to contain all the usual contaminants; (i.e. bacteria, viruses, metallic residues, etc.,),
    However it runs through farming land, so there is the almost certain likelihood of agricultural run-off chemicals.
    So will the ‘Water To Go’ also remove agricultural run-off chemicals?

    1. Hi Auralia,

      As far as I am aware, the Water to Go bottle is able to outperform most other water filters.
      However, for exact information, I would suggest checking out their website. They have all the testing results that have been performed on the filter.
      Here’s the Link:
      Water Filter Facts

      hope this helps,
      ps: dont forget, if you do buy, you can get an extra 15% off by using the discount code: UKprep15

    • HikerMike on October 26, 2017 at 8:33 am
    • Reply

    Great bit of kit.
    Use mine all the time including at home – my tap water has a horrible after taste and this take it away.
    Definitely use the UKprep15 code I bought a years supply an saved loadsa money..!!!

    • Aardvark666 on October 26, 2017 at 7:34 am
    • Reply

    Can you please explain when the two month life span of the filter as soon as you buy it? as soon as you open the packing? as soon as you fit it in the bottle. As for buying the six pack of filters what is the shelf life of them unopened?

    1. Hi Aardvark,

      The 2 months applies to the filtering usage lifetime, which is approx. 130 litres of safe drinking water.
      It is more of a guide if your are using the filter on a constant daily basis, or another example would be hiking abroad.

      Once the filter is full it is designed to stop working, noticeable by a distinct reducing in flow.

      I use mine as and when needed, ei: when Im out hiking etc. So my intermittent usage is way more than the 2 months constant use.

      It is important to ‘re-activate’ the filter if it has not been used for a while.
      In effect you do not want it completely drying out.
      This is done by filling with water and turning up side down, and leave for 15 minutes.
      It is now ready to go again.

      hope this helps.


        • Aardvark666 on October 26, 2017 at 2:05 pm
        • Reply

        Hi Steve
        Thanks for your response…but just to clarify I mailed Water to Go with the following and their response is below. Especially good to see potential for long term storage of spare filters.

        Me to Water to Go..

        Just a little confused as to what the life of the filter actually is !! You say it works for 200ltrs, about 266 fills, which is fine but if I don\’t put 200ltrs through it in the 3 months, occasional weekend use, has the filter degraded to a point it is no longer efficient and therefore needs replacing? As for buying multiple filter packs can you confirm, maybe publish, what the effective shelf life of the filters is as this could be important to preppers.

        Water to Go response…..

        “The throughput of water is the key factor. I f you drink 2 litres of water per day, every day, the filter will last 3 months as a guideline. If you drink less frequently the filter will last longer.

        So long as the filter is still damp and has not been completely dried out, it is ready to go.

        The filter has no shelf life as such. The technology is ‘dormant’ until the filter is activated by soaking it in water.”

    • prepper101 on October 19, 2017 at 3:52 am
    • Reply

    Great article Steve
    Very informative and just shows what excellent gear these are.
    Had mine for a while now and used it for a trip to Africa drinking some dodgy water there.
    Not one problem, felt ‘water safe’ all the time.

    • Colin1966 on October 18, 2017 at 11:16 pm
    • Reply

    I am thinking of buying a few of these for the family as I think so called normal bottled water is a major ripoff.
    How long would the filter last in normal use?

    1. Hi Colin,

      With a new filter you can get 130 litrs of safe drinking water.
      There is also a small timer strip that, once activated, will count down over 2 months.
      This works out at drinking 2 litrs per day. The cost would be around 38p per day!

      If you use more and quicker than that, the filter simply stops flowing.

      Its a very good guide average indicator which helps a lot.

      • prepper101 on October 19, 2017 at 7:22 am
      • Reply

      Colin, buy the filters in bulk.
      The six pack works out far better value, especially with the discount code.

      Plus you always have a good stock, and they are very easy to transport if needed.

    • Ginge on October 18, 2017 at 8:22 pm
    • Reply

    Best filter bottle on the market without a doubt.
    My kids have them on their bikes too…

    I highly recommend.

    • TellyTubby on October 18, 2017 at 4:48 pm
    • Reply

    Exceptional bit of kit..
    I have several bottles, at work and at home,and I get the best tasting water.
    They have saved me a fortune on bottled water and hundreds of empty plastic bottles.

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