Tag: UK-Preppers-Survival skills

Bug In or Bug Out | A Prepping Dilemma

Bug In or Bug Outthat’s the big question What do you think you would do if the SHTF?What would it take for you to leave your home and just go..?Well, it would take me a lot – I would have to be on the absolute point of a confirmed do or die situation to bug …

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Extreme Cold Survival

Extreme Cold Survival Hypothermia is a medical condition diagnosed when your core body temperature drops below what is required for normal functions and metabolism. Typically, a drop of three degrees in your core temperature means you have hypothermia.On average, normal body temperatures are between 36.5 and 37.5ᵒC (98-100ᵒF). You do not have to be exposed …

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how to survive in the wild

lake district hills

It is essential to learn basic skills and know how to survive in the wild The UK has some fantastic areas of natural beauty and unspoilt open spaces, with thousands of acres of wilderness to ‘get lost’ in. From the Cairngorm hills and mountains of Scotland, right down to harsh and exposed Dartmoor and Exmoor – …

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Preparing a Bug Out Bag for Survival

overloaded solider with rucksack

Preparing a Bug Out Bag for Survival As a young man I always though that ‘more equipment was better’ – however, I was fitter and stronger then.! I could carry body weight and more, and still have the strength to carry a bit more. But, now  I’ve gotten that bit older and supposedly, that bit wiser, I …

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My Prepping Plan

Guest Article:   My Prepping Plan, by Fango As with most preppers here in the UK, I struggle to build up my supplies and prepping equipment. With the recession only just starting to fade it’s been a very difficult few years to even survive the day to day running of my home and family, let alone splash out on …

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UK Flooding survival

red telephone box in flood water

How to Prepare For Flooding and Survival Techniques Through the autumn and winter of 2012, UK flooding has been some of the worst seen in decades. It has disrupted travel, destroyed homes and businesses and has cost lives. Flooding is one of the more destructive natural disasters in terms of property damage and loss of life. Torrential rains …

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